Thank You

Purchase Successful

This voucher will allow you to pickup a carriage at the Yellow Rose/HRH Carriage stand at the Alamo (Carriage stand is located at the Alamo Plaza on Crockett St, across from Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream).

A copy of the information below will be emailed to you.

Please let your driver know the Reservation Confirmation number (you may show it on your phone) at the stand and let them know you purchased a reservation online. Having this voucher gives you priority access in case of a line, just let your driver know.

Name on Voucher: {Name (First)}, {Name (Last)}

Date Purchased: {date_dmy}

Phone Number: {Phone}

Pickup Location: Alamo Plaza Carriage Stand

Tour Length: Tour Length: {River Walk Tour}

Additional Adults: {Passengers}

Total: {Total}


Reservation Confirmation Number: SA{entry_id}

This Voucher is good for 3 days

A copy of this has been emailed to the email address supplied: {Email}